Radiology specialty is unique compared to other specialties; it’s usually based on other specialties/physician references along with high upfront cost. While the problems are not unique, radiology billing has been dealing with reducing reimbursement rates and regulatory requirements of insurance companies. Radiology alone cannot be a specialty because it depends on other referring physicians, it’s service the imaging techniques are used for both diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

With the need of prior authorization to continuously need to upgrade the imaging technology. Legion Healthcare Solutions (LHS), understands the continuously changing scenarios of radiology billing deploying continuous monitoring of regulations and coding updates.

“Radiology billing has always been a challenge. There are two scenarios to consider, so if a patient is referred the patient details are shared on the go and we usually don’t have the time to verify the patient details. If the patient comes directly, we go through the usual process of patient verification based on insurance details provided. Radiology complements other specialties, so when it comes to billing even insurance companies give us a low priority.” Billing Manager for Radiology at Legion.”

– Certified Coder for Radiology Medical Billing at LHS

Remove The Administrative Burden

One of the key reasons most radiology billing specialties either close down or merge with other specialties is the rising challenge of administrative tasks. In radiology billing, other physicians usually send details and requirements about patient imaging which later become a part of a complete billing cycle. At Legion, we provide the facility wherein all the patient details can be captured over a single platform eliminating the need for multiple paper documents.

Focusing On Denial Prevention

Legion Healthcare Solutions (LHS) focuses on several key aspects of radiology billing, where we initially code for the procedure performed and then shift the focus towards technology used. Before the patient visit, Legion communicates with the insurance company about the estimated cost based on requirements and technology. Then it’s estimated whether we would have a co-payment or credit card payment.

Certified And Qualified Team

One of the reasons radiology billing has been so successful at Legion is because we have a team of managers who pipeline our resources. These radiology billing managers communicate with the radiologist over every detail to improve the AR. The team constantly goes through training to keep their knowledge up-to-date on various billing changes.

Not Outsource But An In-House Team

At Legion Healthcare Solutions (LHS), we don’t believe that our team is just providing you with the service of radiology billing. We work towards improving your care quality and provide you with an impetus to increase revenue.

A team of billers and coders is available 24/7 for your radiology practice.

Analytical-based solutions to manage your claims and keep track of AR days and denials.

Denial management team to reduce denials AR days and improve AR.

API-and RPM-based solutions for patient care.