Permitted CPT Codes for Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists (PTs) spend countless hours working with clients to rehabilitate and strengthen them after injury.
Together We Grow | Medical Billing Services
Physical Therapists (PTs) spend countless hours working with clients to rehabilitate and strengthen them after injury.
A significant portion of your practice’s billable services are comprised of evaluation and management (E&M) services.
About 40 million people in the United States suffer from sleep problems every year.
In this article, we shared guidelines for telebehavioral health billing which included discussing the place of service (POS) codes, applicable modifiers, and procedure codes.
Cardiology medical billing offers unique challenges as various sub-specialties of cardiology are involved.
Physical therapy is becoming more important for practices and healthcare organizations than ever before.
Chemotherapy administration codes apply to the parenteral administration of non-radionuclide anti-neoplastic drugs, anti-neoplastic agents, or substances such as monoclonal antibody agents, and other biologic response modifiers.
Ambulance transportation involves various destination scenarios where beneficiary is transported from beneficiary home, an accident scene, or any other point of origin
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an innovative digital communication tool that is used to deliver data from a provider to a payer.
Many of the guidelines updated for 2022 focus on the need to code the diagnosis to the highest level of specificity.